Disciplines : Groundworks, fencing, court surfaces, landscaping and access system

The Brief

Participation in tennis is growing and there is an increasing demand for high quality easy to maintain courts that are accessible to the public. Littleboy Park is owned and cared for by Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council. DOE Sport were invited to tender for the contract.  The project was assisted by the LTA Park Renovation Fund.

Build up and delivery

DOE Sport North worked with LTA specialist consultants and Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council to deliver four painted porous macadam courts DOE also worked with Clubspark and CIA Fire & Security to install a high tech access system allowing bookings to be made online, paid for and then players access the court using a one-time pin code. This reduces staffing costs and gives a convenient way for people to play whenever they want. Infrastructure was installed beneath the courts for future floodlighting columns and cables to cope with increased demand if needed for the Winter months. The courts were finished in LTA Parks colours of green courts on a blue background.

Specialist refurbishment for Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

LTA and SAPCA standards

The Results

The new DOE courts at Littleboy Park have been very well received. The access system has allowed a far greater number of players to use the courts and the courts have made an attractive addition to a lovely town park which local residents surely approve of.

DOE Sport North were delighted to work with the local authority and the LTA team to deliver this wonderful community tennis venue at Littleboy Park. The ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures show how the courts have been transformed for the community to enjoy for many years to come”